Where am I now? Where I am traveling in 2021 : Travel blogging during a Pandemic

I don’t normally write about personal things or life updates, but I thought it was about time! So, where am I now? Where am I traveling? How is travel blogging still something that exists during a pandemic?

Here are some of my reflections on being a travel blogger during a pandemic and thoughts on travel in 2021.

Where am I now?

I am finally settling back into life in Queens in New York City. For 4 months during quarantine I stayed with my mom in upstate NY, along with my husband and 6 other family members. To say that it was a packed house in an understatement.

NYC feels like it’s getting back to “normal” but in all honesty, with no tourists, it still feel like there’s something missing. Though New Yorkers are starting to go out, places are still no where near as busy, especially with still having some restrictions in place as well as the 14 day quarantine from many locations.

Where I was During Lockdown

It was a weird time because at first, it felt like the weeks between Christmas and New Years and we kind of just drank and ate a lot. When we started to realize that we may be in lockdown for awhile, things started to shift.

All 8 of us had to find enough space and groove for working and living together harmoniously.  It took a bit of getting used to, but actually it was very comforting to all be going through the same thing as well as the rest of the world.

Lockdown gave me time to recalibrate and think about what I really wanted out of my business. I concentrated on things I’d always said I would get to and now finally could.

Where am I traveling now?

I feel like it’s my job as a travel blogger not only to follow the current rules, but to also test things out in a safe way. Blogging and journalism are not so different and I want to put informative articles out there that actually help people.

I know that others may not feel comfortable traveling right now and that’s okay. I am willing and able to be the first group of people who does so when the time is right for a given location and report back with useful information for my readers and fellow travellers.

With that being said, I am, and have been doing a decent amount of domestic travel in accordance with the local and international guidelines.

I’ve done a number of road trips and also have traveled by plane to California.

I am doing my first international trip in October, to Aruba.

Where am I going in 2021? : Thoughts and predictions

I think we need to start discussing how we can travel safely and keep adapting the systems in place, because at the end of the day this planet is extremely connected, even reliant on each other and people will travel. It’s already happening.

My travel predictions, though I’m not the first to say these…

  • Road Trips will stay pretty popular.
  • Renting houses with a group will continue to be popular.
  • Domestic travel will be big in 2021 as well. 
  • Staycations will definitely be a thing.
  • Working remotely from a new location is also starting to be a trend. (I know various people doing this already)

Ways to Travel more Safely and Socially Distanced

  • Visiting places in off season periods should be something to highly consider as it tends to be less busy.
  • Check in with a hotel about what safety measures they are taking
  • Eating outdoors whenever possible.
  • Still using hand santizer frequently.
  • Still wear a mask when you can’t be 6 feet or more away from others. 


Just thought I’d let you know where I am now and what I am seeing for travel and travel blogging in the near future! I am still holding on to my business and will continue to adapt to the industry as best I can.



where am i Now


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